Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tips for the guys

1)Dance with each girl according to her level. Notice if she has trouble with some particular moves and try to avoid those. Don't force advanced combinations on beginners, you risk scaring them to a point they will not enjoy dancing with you, or even worse, you might enjure them.

2)When you dance with a lady, treat her in a special way. Make her feel like you are the only two persons on the dancefloor. She will surely appreciate it.

3)Keep eyecontact, and try not to think too hard about the next move you want to do. This concentration will make you lose your expressivity. Maintain your cool, be as loose as possible, and enjoy the dance. You'll see, this way the inspiration will keep coming:).

4)Girls looove inventive guys. Don't do the same pre-learned combinations to each salsa piece.... that's booring. If you know a song, try adding a piece of you in the leading. This will transform each dance into a unique experience for the lady.

5)LISTEN to the music! Girls adore musical leaders, that dance according to the song that is playing. Try catching the accents with some particular moves: a dip or a quick head turn (this of course if you know the song), and more importantly: STOP at the pauses. This will totally change the aspect and feel of your entire dance.

6)A good leader has to know the difference between 1 and 5 and other beats. If you start dancing on a beat, keep it till the end of the piece. If you cannot tell the difference, then you have a lot of 'homework' to do:) Listen to a as many songs as possible, and try identifying the 1. It will come to you in time.

7)Don't be shy to invite. If you want to dance with a girl, nomater how advanced she is, the only way is to ask her... Dance also with ladies that are inferior to your level. This will improve your leading and you will help them advance. Sometimes the most rewarding experience is to dance with a beginner, because trust me, they really appreciate it:)

8)If you consider yourself a beginner, don't let it show.... nervousness won't take you far. Don't ask the lady after each move:'Was it ok?','Am I on 1?'.... She probably knows that you are new to salsa and will appreciate your courage. So be bald and just do your thing.

9)Thank the lady after each dance, even if she was the one inviting you. It's common sense:)

10)Very important tip: Don't touch the ladies in intimate places! (except if you know them really well and have their permission). This kind of behavior is very frowned upon among the salseras. There's a big chance they will never dance with you again.

11)Remember where you began! There's nothing girls hate more than a cocky, stuck-up guy who olny dances with VIP's and is always showing off.... Stay humble, and smile even if you are dancing with a beginner.

12)Always bring at least 1 spear t-shirt with you to the party or practice. And of course a deodorant or cologne won't hurt:) But don't overdo it with the perfume.

I hope I gave you guys some good insights:) I'm eager to see your feedback, through comments.
You can also check out my universal tips for all dancers, or go back to the main page.

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